An attorney can help you maximize your compensation. | Houston Work Injury LawyerImagine you have been hurt at work. At first, the priority is going to be on getting the medical attention you need so that you have the best chance of making a full recovery.

But because the accident took place while you were on the clock, there is going to be some paperwork to do. That paperwork is required in order for you to collect worker’s compensation benefits.

Workers’ comp is an important benefit for workers because it provides a way to ensure you receive the support and care you need following a workplace accident. However, it is also an important protection for employers because it prevents you from suing them directly after you have been hurt at work. 

The workers’ compensation system is intended to be fair to both sides. However, a workplace accident sometimes involves a third party. A third party is a person or entity that is not your employer nor a fellow employee. If a third party is responsible—or partially responsible—for your injury, you have more options than you do under the workers’ compensation system.

More Options But More Challenges, Too

If a third party was involved in some way, they may be held liable and required to compensate you for your injuries.

A third-party workplace lawsuit provides you the opportunity to recover more damages than you would be able to from the workers’ compensation system. You can receive money for direct expenses—including medical bills and lost wages—but you can also receive compensation for pain and suffering. Pain and suffering compensation is not available from workers’ compensation.

The important thing to note here is that you will have to successfully prove that a third party is at fault in order to be awarded damages. This can be a challenging task—which is why it is important to have an experienced attorney by your side.

SJ Injury Attorneys Can Help You Sort it Out

The lawyers of SJ Injury Attorneys can help you navigate the ins and outs of third-party workplace lawsuits. If you think a third party is at least partially responsible for your work injury, don’t go it alone. Schedule your free consultation today.

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