Texas non-subscriber workplace back injuries | Pasadena Work Injury LawyerBack injuries are always difficult, no matter what the circumstances. It can be debilitating and take a long time to heal. Recovery can cost you a significant amount in medical bills and lost wages. For these reasons, if the injury happened at work, and your work at a non-subscriber workplace in Texas (i.e. your employer does not subscribe to workers' compensation), it is important that you know what to do to get the compensation you deserve. Our experienced Houston and Pasadena work injury lawyer suggests following the steps below.

Report Your Work Injury ASAP

If you injure your back at work, regardless of if you work at a non-subscriber workplace, the first thing you need to do is report your injury to your supervisor. Most employers have their own procedure for documenting workplace-related injuries, and it's important to follow this protocol. After you report your work injury, make an appointment to see a doctor or go to the ER. According to our Houston and Pasadena work injury lawyer, the sooner you get medical treatment, the stronger your documentation will be, which can assist you in receiving compensation.

Gather Evidence

After your injury has been reported and you have received appropriate medical treatment, work on gathering evidence. Ask any witnesses that saw your back injuries for a written statement of what they observed and get a copy of all medical records related to the incident from your doctor. It is also a good idea to write down your own account of events as soon after the work injury as you can, while you can still remember details and facts.

Keep Up With Your Recovery

After your initial doctor examination, be sure to follow instructions closely and attend all follow-up appointments. If you end up going to court to sue for damages, you and your work injury lawyer will want to present your diligence and effort to do all you can towards your recovery to the judge.

When You Have a Case Against a Non-Subscriber Workplace 

Did you know that some companies in Texas do not have workers' compensation insurance? These companies are known as non-subscribers and have officially opted out of the formal system. However, they do need to carry some sort of insurance or financial plan, which means you can still seek damages related to your back injuries. You should know if your employer owns a non-subscriber workplace because they are required to post a written notice visible to all employees. There should also be an injury and illness policy in your contract and any employee manual you receive.

Contact Our Houston and Pasadena Work Injury Lawyer for Any Back Injuries You Suffered

Contacting an experienced Houston and Pasadena work injury lawyer injury as soon after suffering your back injuries as possible can help you build a strong case and receive the compensation owed to you. At SJ Injury Attorneys, our Pasadena work injury lawyer knows how to navigate the process and win you compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and emotional distress from your non-subscriber employer. Contact us online or give us a call today for a consultation.

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